Thursday, April 30, 2009

Cliff Bars and Figgy Newtons

First off: Why am I calling them figgy newtons? Someone I know calls them that, the question is, who? Anyway, the two items listed in my title are my new favorite snacks. Not all that unhealthy and totally satisfying!

Let me describe to you my surroundings. I have the hockey game on the tv in the background, simply because I couldn't bear the Blazer game. My left foot, as always, is propped up on Megan's blue stool. My arm is resting on an OK! Magazine and Chick Corea's album "Return to Forever." But most importantly, on my hand is the faint remnants of a stamp that reads "TACO BAR." It is somewhat degrading to have people know that you attended Azteca's five dollar all you can eat Taco Bar. This is MY LIFE!!! How pathetic! I am truly looking forward to going home and living in humane conditions. I will miss everyone, blah, blah. blah, but I am ready to get out of here!

Lately, I have been feeling mediocre. This, obviously, is not a feeling I am used to having, so I became inspired. I want to get really good at something-say, an instrument perhaps-and I want to master it, I want to make people jealous with my prodigious skill. Any recommendations for what it should be?


Monday, April 27, 2009

I Am Back! With a Vengeance!

First off, I KNOW. Shame on me for taking such a long hiatus, but everyone needs some "me time." In case you were wondering, this personal vay-cay was just what I needed to get those creative juices flowing again. Since I've been gone, here is a quick rundown of what has happened in my life-I have swine flu.

I am half kidding, but I AM seriously sick. It is odd-every time I have claimed illness, it was only to get a day off of school. I can honestly say this is the sickest I have been in a long while. Symptoms: Fever, sore throat, chills, deep cough, and sinus pressure. Though it make look like I copied and pasted that list from the Center for Disease Control's website's page on swine flu, I did not. Now before you jump to conclusions and tell me to get my rear to a hospital, I'll tell you why I am fairly certain swine flu has not infected me. My co-writer, Elaura, knew of my fears and payed close attention to the Today Show's story on the bug. When she called me during sociology, I knew my health was dependent upon me taking the call. So I fidgeted in my seat and pretended I had to go relieve myself. I ran out the door and answered the phone. I gave her a run down of my symptoms. Things were looking pretty grim for a while, but then she asked me a question that gave me hope. "Is your fever over 102?" Well, I had never actually taken my temperature, it was simply one of those things where I knew I had fever. Now I know I have been known to be a tad dramatic at times, but even I couldn't fake a 102 temp. Yes, I am sick, but I am not that sick. So I cried out in joy (as much as my hoarse voice would allow) and returned to sociology with a new lease on life.

In other news, TWO WEEKS LEFT! Actually, less than. It is hard to believe at times, seeing as how the months went by so fast. I can't even imagine what Clare and Margaret are going through right now. The real word is upon them, and they are entering it at the worst time possible. I know that sounds bleak, and I am sorry to be such a downer, it's just that their leaving is affecting me in a negative way as well. Who will pick me up and take me to cold stone? Who will get me free tickets to Chief's games? Who will accompany me to Cheif's games? Who will walk downtown with me for a rite-aid visit? Who will drive home for the fanconi run with me? Who will drive me anywhere? In all seriousness, having them here has been a real godsend. They made my transition into a college student smooth and comforting. Both were always ready with half a bed or a lambskin rug to sleep on when I was feeling homesick or sick of the dorms. And the bagels! THE BAGELS! I guess I'll be able to make my own next year, but no one does a cinnamon toasted like Madge, and Clare knows just the amount of middle to cut out. Also, a quick thanks to my big-Barbie, we may not be Setons, but we're awesome. Damn, I should have saved this for their graduation cards.

I feel like a p.b. sandwich. It is good to be back.
