Sunday, October 4, 2009

Florence For a Year!

Well folks, the decision has been made. I'm studying abroad fora year in Italy! I am nervous (obvi) but also very excited!

I am currently watching The Hannah Montana Movie. It's so good. Anyone who says they don't like it, just hasn't seen it.

Today, Baby Ray and I went for a run, then did the Army Physical Fitness test. There is a timed two mile run (which I can't do. I can run one mile, maybe a bit more, but definitely not in 15 min!) and then you do push-ups for two minutes, and sit-ups for two minutes. If you can do 42 push-ups in two minutes, you get a 100%. I got 50! Sit-ups is 78. I got 50. I look at it as leaving me a lot of room for improvement. So thats about all that is new in my life. Boring I know. I am really only doing this for Megan's sake.

OH! Here is a story for ya-I was at the bagel shop and I love it because when you're at the register, you can flirt shamelessly but no one can call you out on it because you're just being a good, friendly, employee. So there I was, flirting with this boy, who ordered and et/t/pln (can you figure that out?) and that costs 3.25 including tax, and as I was running his card, I asked him how his day was going, and we laughed about how spokane had skipped fall and gone straight to winter. HAHA. Anyway, I look down at his receipt, and he left a TWO DOLLAR TIP! That is a 62% tip! All because of my good looks and charm.

Alright, I have to go because Mere is getting mad about me typing when I should be watching the movie. Ta!


Christina Padden said...

AHHHH!!! Going to Florence is the best decision EVER! You will love it. I am so excited for you. We will definitely chat more about it at the 90th. Can't wait to see you pudin. Glad you're back blogging.

MStan said...

Thanks for the shout out! lol. I think you should just go to Florence for a summer. This summer! with me!

Grassyllama said...

HAHAHAHA. You made me miss the bagel shop SO BAD.

$2 tip?!!?!?! Gurrrl, you must be lookin fly! DAYUM!

kate said...

ok so yeah im still late, but whatever. FLORENCE?! i didn't know about this!!
and speaking of hannah montana im actually kind of excited about the last song. see it with me? yes. ok.
ok. that is all. much love.

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