Friday, November 21, 2008

So the Lion Fell In Love With the Lamb...

...Or should I say "and so the martha fell in love with the Jasper?" TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soooooo damn good. And Jasper was so HOT!!! I want him. Don't worry, I am still madly in love with Edward, it's just that Jasper's beauty was unexpected and it near knocked the breath out of me. I waited in the theatre for three and a half hours and by god it was worth the wait. Without giving too much away, let me just say this movie was made for the readers. There were so many nuances that only true readers of the series would get-mostly humorous stuff. However, if you haven't read the books, don't worry- if you have a sliver of a heart, you'll enjoy it. There were times though (albeit only a few) that the acting walked a fine line between intense and laughable. The twilighters in the theater all chose to laugh. When the Cullen siblings first came on the screen the shrieks that followed were thunderous. However, they were nothing compared to the screams that were unleashed when Edward first appeared. Deafening. I partook in this overt display of teenage lust, and it felt good. Gone are my dreams of marrying Sydney Crosby, I am all about the vampires now!



Christina Padden said...

I totally agree. It was AWESOME! and Jasper was super hot. I knew Edward would be great and he really did a fantastic job. He is just so perfect. Find me a vampire to love me like Edward!

ellen said...

i have ALMOST no complaints! someone from my old school said that edward was not attractive. i almost pushed her out of the car.

im a stupid lamb.

and i hate people who are in the theatres with me. they SUCK.