Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I have bad breath

Currently, I am sitting at my friend Meredith's computer, and LOVING IT! She has an actual keyboard, which is such a nice change of pace. Plus her room is ten degrees cooler than mine, so I tend to hole up in here often, especially because of this Indian summer we're having. More than anything in the world right now, I want a burrito. I am contemplating going to Ionic Burrito, but am afraid it just wont be up to par with TDM. Anyway, I am getting very sick of mine and Megan's dorm room. In fact, I kind of hate it. It is tiny, hot, and I just don't like the fact that I have to eat on my bed and get crumbs everywhere. Oh well. Maybe this weekend I will buy an area rug and some curtains or something. A part of me just wants to buy a house right now and live in it. I know students are supposed to live on campus their first two years, but who would even know? Or care? The only problem is how I would fund it. What are some ways I can really makeover my dormroom?
Self Improvement is going well-mostly. I have been straightening my hair a lot, but I can't seem to get rid of the t-shirts. I have cute tops, but they're all too fancy for everyday use. I guess I'll go shopping this weekend. 

Another thing I have been thinking about lately: I want to get famous and make tons of money. How do I make this happen? I am at a standstill. On another note (this blog is stream of consciousness) Margaret and I are starting a genealogy project. Hopefully we'll have some interesting finds come thanksgiving.

Alright, thats it for now. Stay tuned for the next "exciting" thing to happen in my life.
bye bye

Friday, September 26, 2008

Where Have I Been?

It has been TOO long since I have blogged. There is so much to report. My summer of self-improvement is finally happening, thanks in part to my perseverance, and also to my impulsiveness. Last Thursday night, after a delicious dinner with Greg Schmitt and half of the LaSalle class of 08, we were walking back to the car when Clare said "Mar, do you want to get your ears pierced?" I stopped in my tracks. "Um, ok." I don't know what came over me-perhaps the sweet 'n sour chicken had some kind of strange effect on my brain, or maybe I just got sick of myself and all the empty commitments I make. Whatever the reason, I found myself sitting in the "piercing chair" at Claire's, gripping a stuffed bear, and holding Clare's hand. OUCH! First ear done. Oh god, time for the second. OUCH! Second ear done. Or so I thought. "Oh, well hm, it looks like I forgot to put the back on. We're just going to have to do that one again."I looked at the piercing lady in a whole new light. Her face was pure evil, and I wanted nothing more than to rip the stapler out of her hands and pierce her eye. Not to worry though, I made it out alive (as did she) and my new bling adds a great deal of elegance to my look. It even inspired me to straighten my hair! Who knew two diamond studs would have such an impact on my appearance?!?
The next morning, I was feeling particularly cute, so I put on a sundress, a little mascara, bronzing powder, haviana flips, my north face backpack and breezed out the door. I was feeling FLY! My hair hung slightly past my shoulders, straight, yet voluminous, and was sparkling in the sun. The entire walk to class, all I could think about was how I was going to strike up a convo with Crush. I sat in my desk, trying to plan my attack. But guess which cute, tan, freckled boy decides to skip class that fateful day? That's right-Crush! I was devastated. All that work for nothing. But as always, I got mad, I got strong, wiped my head, shook it off, then I stood. There is always the rest of the semester.

I am currently home for the long weekend and loving every minute of it. And as I blog, I have behind me the epitome of my Friday nights. Kate, Cathy, and Ellen, and HP#1 playing on the screen. Is it odd that I enjoy spending time with my sister's friends in the short time I am home? NO! And in all fairness, Kate is my cousin, and Cathy may as well be one. They both are basically permanent fixtures in my house. Ok, I am off to take a bath. And finally read the Brother's K (courtesy of Madge.)
Dumbledore is omniscient and the greatest character in American lit, with the exception of Atticus Finch.

Ps, an open question to all of you in the blogosphere: what is the best way for a girl who has spent the last four years at an all girls school to initiate a rapport with a beautiful boy?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

MATTHEW mark luke and john

I certainly hope this blog never reaches more than ten people. Well, just so long as it never reaches the subject of this post. Each monday, wednesday, and friday morning, I go to my New Testament class and enjoy the view. And by view, do I mean the ancient chalk board? The raggedy, stained carpet? The crucifix hanging above the doorway? HELL NO! By view I mean the hot piece of boy that sits kitty-corner from me. He is all celery green eyes, deeply tanned skin, and brown-hair. And it makes my morning. I have been racking my brain for conversation starters that wont make me look like a fool-unfortunately, I haven't been able to get anything better than what I thought of this morning. I was staring intently at a mysterious scar on his leg (the things I would do to find out how it got there...) when I was distracted by his foot moving. He slid his foot out of his well-worn Rainbow flip flops, picked it up, and examined how the part between the toes was beginning to rip. In my mind, I desperately wanted to say "Don't worry about it! I hear those have a lifetime warranty!" Too bad for me, I didn't have the cojones. Oh well. Next time. But most likely not. For now, I'll just have to settle for the husky "thank you" he gives me when I pass him the attendance sheet. Which brings me to my next irritant. EVERY SINGLE DAY I see people trying to pass the attendance sheet forward, but the recipient never sees it. So the person sits there, hand shaking from the effort of it all, embarrassed, waiting for the person to answer their mental pleas and TURN THE HELL AROUND AND TAKE THE PAPER FROM THEM! Maybe it's because I am not a considerate person, or maybe it was even the all girls school brashness in me, but if someone is not realizing that I am trying to pass them a paper, I just take the corner of the sheet and poke them in the back. Is this bad etiquette? I never thought so until college, where people are so exceedingly polite to each other. Anyway, thats it for now.
A few side notes, some sad, some happy-congrats to Margaret for her new macbook. And as for the sad stuff, I'd just like to say RIP to Aunt Jerry and Kit-Kat.


ps, if you'd like a hint as to what Crush's name is, take a look at the title of this post! Clever, no? I was quite pleased with my creativity.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Back To Basics

College. So funny that I am in it. I remember starting this blog before college was so much as a blip on my radar. Now I am in the thick of it. Cafeteria food, open doors, easy mac, monogrammed towels, the whole nine yards. When I look back, I remember the basis of this blog. My summer of self-improvement. Between you and me, it did not happen. The most I did was use crest white strips. And that only happened twice. So I'd say it was a big fat failure. But not to worry! I am back on track. I received a purse for my birthday, I am flossing daily, I refrain from chewing gum in public, I wore a cute sweater over the weekend, etc. I still have miles to go, but I sense a revolution approaching. A marthalution. Here are my goals for each day. Straighten, or at the very least blow dry my hair (lofty goal,)  put on a touch of makeup, go out of my way to do something nice for a person, make my bed as soon as I get up, work out for at least thirty minutes (this only has to take place 5 times a week) do all my homework before nine pm, try to eliminate foods without any nutritional value (warning: do NOT allow self to argue that because Butterfingers have water in the ingredients list that they are conducive to health,) moisturize daily, keep the cubical clean, try and arrange features into pleasant look in class, so as not to seem completely disinterested in what the teacher is saying, and finally, don't sweat the small stuff. OH! And keep in touch with friends.

I feel that if I follow that list, the self-improvement snowball will start rolling and soon, there'll be no stopping me!

I sometimes like to play the game "If I could be anywhere in the world right now, where would I be?" My answer? either Nashville, TN or at the lake at about 5 pm, sitting on the dock with a root beer in hand and appetizers on the table, talking to relatives and playing with Bryson and Cam.

Thats all,

Monday, September 8, 2008

Now Every Time I Pass a Wheatfield

In an earlier post, I mentioned how I have been listening to a great deal of country. That is still true, however, it has been narrowed down to one artist. GARTH BROOKS! I also realize i am about ten years too late, but I don't care. In the past, when I would hear one of his songs, I always thought "oh yeah, I like this song." However, it wasn't until a few days ago that I had the chance to listen to about 20 of his songs in a row, and all I could think about was how GOOD each and every song was. Again, I know many others have had this same revelation ten years ago (hence the reason he is so famous?) but still. I can't get enough! I eat it all up! The melodies! The lyrics! The voice! He is- dare I say it? The greatest male country artist of all time. It is pretty rare that I am ever this excited about something, but i guess Garth just brings it out of me. I am already planning my trip to the downtown Barnes and Noble to buy his and Trisha's cookbook. Alright I am off to de-loft my bed with the help of Michelle (she wanted a shout out) and Megan, my roommate who doesn't yet get annoyed with me. I'd also like to thank everyone for the birthday cards, gifts, and wishes. Especially the thoughtful Borders gift cards from the twins.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

I was driving to Walgreens today with the Cach twins, when Michelle piped up from the backseat, "Isn't it weird that we are not going to school tomorrow?" I was confused. Tomorrow is monday. "What do you mean?" I inquired. "We just have classes, were not going to a day of school." I have been thinking a lot about that and agree that it is odd. All I do is complain, complain, complain about how much homework I have and what not, but compared to being in high school for 7 hours straight, three hours and twenty minutes of classes looks pretty damn good. 
I currently am eating ritz with pb. mmm. Megan (my roommate) and I just got the surprise of our lives. We have been without tv from the day we arrived here because our cable cord is maybe 4 inches. That does us no good. However, our friendly neighbor Shea told us we could use her cable because she does not have a tv. We dug around through the mess of cords, and realized that it was attached to the wall. I came back into my room and was going to see how long of an extension cable I would need to buy when I accidentally tugged the cord. I felt the slack of the cord in my hands and for a brief moment feared I had pulled it out of the wall. Once I realized it was fine, I kept tugging and was amazed to see almost 2 whole feet of cable slithering out of the wall. It was like one of those magic tricks (illusions Michael, tricks are what whores do for money) where the magician pulls the scarf out of his throat and it just keeps going. Unfortunately, it is still not long enough to reach our tv. But thats what the pimped out room with a tivo and flat screen, located right across the hall from us, is for. Plus they always offer me delicious snacks.

ok, I have to do homework. My birthday weekend has been time-consuming.
Procrastinatingly yours,

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I am nineteen.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

To kick things off today, I'd like to begin by welcoming two new readers! Amy and Jamil, two new comrades of mine at Gonzaga have recently been following the exciting happenings in my life by reading this blog. So welcome, we here at Martha inc. are glad to have you on board. 
    Speaking of exciting happenings, I was chowing down on a pb sanny at the COG (look it up) when all of the sudden, a floppy haired, green eyed god breezed by me. As I breathed in his musky, slightly sweaty, all around MANLY scent, my observant roommate leaned into me and whispered "That's Matt Bouldin" YEEEOWZA! There has been one time in my life when I have been more starstruck and that was at Conor Shearer's graduation where I purposely bulldozed right through Joey Harrington (sigh) and his girlfriend (hiss.)  I still say that was one of the best moments of my short life. Anywho, aside from my glorious baller sighting, my experience at the cog was below my standards. Why? I'll tell you. It was too noisy. How in the hell is an individual expected to enjoy their food when the buzzing in their ears is too loud to even hear their friends? Not to mention all the germs that are flying out of people's yappers, landing directly on your food. Ah, college life. One additional complaint about the food services here at Gonzaga: I went to the sandwich bar for aforementioned pb on wheat. As I grabbed the loaf marked "whole wheat" I fleetingly thought about how proud Char would be of my healthy choice. But wait! I pulled out two slices, instead of seeing the expected brown, I saw only white. With closer inspection, I saw minuscule flakes of something that could barely pass for wheat.  I realize they are trying to cut cost corners with every turn, but with the 30 thousand + tuition student are paying, one would think they could splurge for some Oraweat. Also, the food there has given me (and a few others according to my sources) horrible digestion.

I have had one class so far and the teacher, excuse me, PROFESSOR, seems nice enough. Full on beard, haltingly stops mid-sentence, unable to stand in one spot for more than a second, gives off a nervous energy, and horribly enough, he reminds me of this guy who played a child molester in law and order svu.  

The longer I am here, the more I realize the importance of "comfort music." For me, this is purely country. Mainly Kenny, Tim, and Taylor. With a little Keith thrown in.  It takes me back to my big bedroom, with it's big bed and single occupant. Not that I am complaining. Ok, I am. Gotta go, indigestion in full force.
Unsettlingly yours,