Sunday, December 21, 2008


Last night the Wiggins came over for dinner. A delicious meal of Lasagna, crafted by Hannah and myself was served. Dinner was followed by brownies made by Alison and a rousing game of Taboo. Foleys plus Michael vs. Wiggins. We kicked their asses. The only perceptible threat from their team was Danielle, who was consistently getting sixes and sevens. Keep in mind she had never played before. Alison was good, but she would start laughing while she was trying to get others to guess, and that was her ultimate downfall. Julie kept trying to hide the card from me so I couldn't buzz her. Even then, I don't think she realized that she couldn't say certain words. Eventually, everyone got the hang of it, and the highlight came when Clare got ten in one round. What a fun night! It is a good thing we live in the same neighborhood, bc the snow was off the hizzy! I'd say 6 or 7 inches! Now it is freezing rain and sleet that is taking over. All I want to do is go see Twilight, but I don't think we could make it to the theatre. So I'll settle for a game of battleship in the den. And maybe some mexican food. Happy holidays!

1 comment:

Jamil said...

That sounds like fun! I'm snowed in as well. Luckily, I managed to get a hold of a copy of Twilight before break began, so I think I'll be cracking that open today. My mom already high-jacked it and read the entire thing.