Sunday, October 19, 2008

Year of Self Improvement

Tomorrow, I get my hair cut. AIIIIIEEEEE! Nervous. I'm sure it will turn out fine, after all it is just hair and it will grow back. Also, I keep telling myself it is all part of my summer of self-improvement. With my new purse and pierced ears, new hair will just be icing on the cake. Speaking of self-improvement, I saw an advertisement for an etiquette class. It was 25 dollars though so I quickly ruled out that idea. I really want to be in Black Butte right now at the driving range. Most people get cravings for food (I do too) but I most often crave places. Ah, Black Butte. Anyone want to fly me there? Or send a car for me? Also, could you make it so that it is a balmy 75 degrees out? Thanks.


1 comment:

AJK said...

glad your are going back- it is worth the slight embarrassment